Losing Baby Weight 4 Pregnancies & 3 Kids Later – Episode 1

How to Lose the Baby Weight FB

This is a series about my fitness journey, how I came to lose baby weight after 4 pregnancies and 3 kids, and look better now than I ever did before. It is ever-evolving, ever-changing, and ever-improving. The story is a series taking you from when my physique became top of mind until now, so you can apply what I did so you can get great results too!

I’m not your typical “I was overweight, I lost a ton of weight and now I look fab.” In fact, I was never overweight, I was never even considered fat, but I was never super slim, with a to-die-for bod. Many thought, in my what I consider “average days,” looked great because I managed to shed the pounds after every pregnancy at varying speeds. But I never felt like I looked the best I could….until recently, and it’s important how YOU feel not what OTHERS think. Even now, I am still a work in progress. We will get to that later in the series.

Losing Baby Weight after pregnancies

If you are looking for a tried and tested way to surefire your weight loss, especially after a pregnancy, then keep on reading. This first one is pretty lengthy, but if you are not in the mood to read my full story, skip to the end for the meaty part. This episode will focus on my pre-adulthood days until my post first pregnancy stages.

Losing Baby Weight After 4 Pregnancies & 3 Kids

This series will help me respond to the dozens of women who’ve questioned me on how I did it. 4 pregnancies, 3 kids, and how losing baby weight became possible (or body fat more precisely) that I’ve gained. But I didn’t just lose it, I built an armour. I toned up, muscled up, and cleaned up my eating habits…and I’m not done yet. You never really are because there are always things you can improve on. If you know anything about how bodies work, you know that doing the same thing over and over, won’t cut it. You have to keep changing, and that means as often as every 4 to 6 weeks!

Pre-teen Weight

As a pre-teen, the signs of developing into a woman came earlier to me than my school mates. I remember vividly when we went to the wave pool in 7th grade. I donned larger hips than the other girls. I could see and hear them giggle about me and calling me the F word…yes “fat.” In reality, I was not, I was “hippy” but not fat. I had more of a womanly shape. So while they considered me fat, I was actually not. But my mind would not absorb any of that. I was devastated for the next few years to come.

Rania pre-teen

I carried my hips with me through high school. I made sure my lunches consisted of “healthy food” (or what I considered healthy at the time). I wasn’t dieting, but I was watching what I ate.

Then I underwent a spinal operation which left me under a body cast all summer, in a wheelchair for a month, and bed ridden in the hospital for a week, on strong painkillers, and unable to walk (gratitude to Grandma who stood by me, bathed me, helped me through the whole time). It was followed by a nasal operation 6 months later for a broken nose I suffered in an accident 4 years prior. While I was mainly sedentary for the time I was recovering. My body ended up loosing 20 pounds as it was healing. I was down to 95 pounds!

When I went back to school, cast-free, I flaunted my new physique and was so happy. Compliments swung left and right. It may have been short-lived, as a year later once my body was fully recovered, it gained the weight back.

University Student on a Diet

Fast-forward a few years and there was my first attempt at following an “actual” diet plan. So I picked up some Pilates programme with a diet plan. I bought the package, and followed the food plan. I think I must’ve spent hundreds of dollars on ingredients that I couldn’t pronounce and tasted horrible not because they weren’t good, but the recipe was just simply not for me. I must have followed it for a couple of months, without any results. I was getting up early, doing the Pilates at home, then heading to the gym to continue on my cardio, and eating the food. No change, so I dumped it.


Then I decided it was time I ignite my cardio. So I would run on the treadmill or the stairmaster at extreme speeds for 30-40 mins. Needless to say, I was exhausted with little to no results….

I really didn’t know what to do. I joined the university gym , did my weights, my laps, ate what I thought was a well rounded diet…again to no avail…hmmm.

The Hot Trainer

In the following months, I enlisted a trainer to help me through a recent injury to my back. Yes he was super hot, one of the best looking men I have seen to date! I had hopes that his looks would melt pounds away. Sadly, if only science worked that way it would have been so much easier on all of us lol…He showed me a few things. I got back on my feet from my injury, but didn’t lose any weight.

Flirting with Weight Watchers

I then registered for a karate competition. I needed to get into the light weight category, which meant dropping 10 pounds in 2 months. I decided it was time to try something radical; Weight Watchers. It worked! I was ecstatic at my new body. I managed to maintain it, with some fluctuation here and there.

Weight Watchers

First Pregnancy

Fast forward 2 years, I was now pregnant with my first child. I was lucky, I only put on 18 pounds. I was nauseated and threw up from the minute I reached 8 weeks until the day I delivered. So eating wasn’t my favourite thing, in fact, even water made me nauseous. I thought “Wow losing baby weight will be easy!” Right! NOT AT ALL!

Post First Pregnancy Weight

Even though I was left with only 10 pounds post-partum, Weight Watchers, which was once my magic potion, suddenly didn’t work anymore for losing baby weight. It took a lot more work to find something that did.


I still ate what was considered mainstream healthy, you know low fat this, low fat that crap. But hey, at the time, it worked. That’s the thing with the body, you constantly have to change it up for it to work, otherwise it’s a dead end.

Your body remembers what you did to it and won’t respond if you give it the same thing every time you want to push it off the edge, especially when it comes to losing baby weight. But it is also never a good idea to go into extremes from the start of your weight loss journey. If you push your body to its max capacity in terms of food, when that stops working and you have to start cutting again, you will have nothing to cut from and faced with a frustrating situation where you cannot drop weight.

I managed to drop the 10 pounds I had on, but I still wanted to shed some more to reach my ideal.

Glamour Magazine Diet

A year had passed, I tried different things but still no results. Losing baby weight was tough! One day I found a diet on Glamour.com. It required me to eat 5 times a day, smaller portions and exercise 5 times a week.


Food Plan


  • Instant oatmeal
  • handful of blueberries
  • 1/2 cup of milk
  • 1 tablespoon of peanut butter


  • 20 almonds
  • 1 banana


  • Chicken breast
  • 1/2 small pita bread
  • Tablespoon hummus
  • Salad
  • Balsamic vinegar dressing

Snack 2

  • Low fat yogourt
  • Baby carrots


  • Chicken breast
  • Veggies
  • 1/2 cup rice



I did 45 to 60 minutes of high intensity cardio (not HIIT which is High Intensity Interval Training – I wasn’t introduced to that yet) and ab work. It mainly consisted of:

  • 30 to 45 minutes uphill with speed on the treadmill with gradual increase in incline and speed.
  • 15 minutes of 4-5 sets of crunches, bicycle crunches, and lower ab leg raises.


ab workouts

While this seems like an overly simplified diet and exercise plan, it worked. For many of you if you haven’t been eating very well or exercising regularly in an intense manner, this will help you shed off pounds. I lost a total of 15 pounds on this diet which made me hit my ideal weight.

In Summary

My weight struggles lead me to go with Weight Watchers, a trainer and finally the Glamour diet to get my body back on track. Losing baby weight I had gained wasn’t easy but it was possible.

Eating smaller portions 5 times a day and exercising 5 times a week for 45 to 60 minutes in high intensity with ab workouts incorporated helped me reach my goal of losing baby weight after my first pregnancy.

The next phase will take you to what I did to get back on track after my second pregnancy and how losing baby weight after that shaped up to be.

This is Grace

Grace's photo - lace-up top

Grace from Color & Grace. Based in Troy, Michigan, Grace is a 41 year-old petite woman who loves colours. Born and raised in China, she moved to America for love in 2007. Her day job – teacher. Her dream job – fashion blogger. Make sure to go and check out her blog and leave her a comment on her awesome outfit.

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  1. Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom Avatar

    Losing baby weight is the hardest thing ever! I took up running after my daughter was born and now I’ll be running my first marathon this fall in Chicago! Working out and watching your calorie intake is so important!



    1. The Wardrobe Stylist Avatar

      Wow that’s amazing! I wish you the best of luck!


  2. Jill Avatar

    It’s so hard to stay fit sometimes with all of the ups and downs we deal with over the years. The Glamour diet makes sense. I would probably eat healthier breaking down my meals to 5 a day. Less time to eat unhealthy snacks.

    Doused In Pink


    1. The Wardrobe Stylist Avatar

      Definitely. the biggest thing in weight loss is food. As you move forward with your journey it only gets harder which is why it is essential to not begin with drastic changes so you don’t kill your metabolism. This was my first step into real weight loss. There’s so much more involved and as I move forward with it, the results are more and more amazing but the work is much harder.


  3. Roxanne Avatar

    It takes a lot of courage to write a post like this! Especially because it is basically your life history, injuries, surgeries, and all. Well done, and I definitely take your tips to heart.


    1. The Wardrobe Stylist Avatar

      Thank you! It does but I figured if it can help others, why not.


  4. Sharleen Avatar

    Love your site and your helpful advice on losing weight after the babies.
    Believe me I know this subject and how hard it all too well!
    It also gets harder to lose the weight as you get older 😉

    Keep up the Marvelous work!


    1. The Wardrobe Stylist Avatar

      Thanks so much Sharleen! I’m so happy you enjoy my site and advice. Yes it does and as you get more advanced in your fitness journey it becomes harder and harder.


  5. Ashon Avatar

    Haven’t got a baby yet so I don’t really know how hard it is, However I’ve been working out for a flat tummy, so It’s not as easy as I expected, and I believe it’s much harder after a baby! Thanks for sharing these tips I will keep in mind for the future 🙂

    Best Wishes from Ashon



    1. The Wardrobe Stylist Avatar

      Yes having a flat tummy doesn’t come through conventional exercise, if through exercise at all. It is mainly done in the kitchen or if you are prone to flat tummy genetics. However, I do have a post on how you can get a flat tummy and I will be sharing much more of my own tips on it.


  6. Candace Avatar

    Thanks so much for this post! Though I haven’t had any children yet, I have added this post to my reading list for when I do. Thanks for sharing! 🙂



    1. The Wardrobe Stylist Avatar

      I am so happy it could be of help for you. That’s why I kinda published my life so I can help others. Believe me, if you think this one is good, wait til you read the rest! You’ll be set for life 🙂


  7. Johanna Avatar

    Great post – I can relate!


  8. The Velvet Runway Avatar

    Thanks so much for sharing this post. I lost my baby weight easily after my first child – no idea why but I mistakenly assumed that it would be the same after my second! So, it was a nasty shock when the excess pounds hung around. I took up running like Carrie and ran my first marathon after my second daughter was born! However, things get in the way and the running got less and less frequent and the weight crept back! I know any diet wouldn’t work for me – simply because I love food too much and would never follow it! So, I need to hit the road again! (I hate running on a treadmill so it has to be outside!)
    Julia xx


    1. The Wardrobe Stylist Avatar

      I know, it’s also age and hormones that play up with each pregnancy. That’s why it’s important to ensure you eat well and keep before you even get pregnant because even with that, it’s not an easy road. Exercise is great but the bulk of the weight sheds mostly from eating habits, if that’s not in check, any amount of exercise will never help you drop weight. It goes hand in hand.


  9. laura Avatar

    Interesting! Can’t wait to read more posts on this!


    1. The Wardrobe Stylist Avatar

      Glad you are enjoying it.


  10. Shelbee on the Edge Avatar

    Great and very informative post! It really is a lifelong struggle learning to love ourselves and treat our bodies with respect. After 2 kids and getting further and further into my 40’s, weight loss is less of a priority while learning to love myself on good and bad days becomes more important. Staying healthy is hugely important, yes, but looking like a supermodel at this point is not. (Why it was ever important, I don’t know!) But here we are and these are our bodies, and we do need to treat ourselves well and that includes self-love!



    1. The Wardrobe Stylist Avatar

      For sure. Ideals of where you want your body to be or what your fitness goals are differ greatly from one person to the next. I’ve always been very competitive and always wanted more out of myself, which is why I was probably unhappy with what I looked like , fuelled by mean girl comments in junior high. But you are right, being healthy is the most important thing.


  11. Lanae Bond Avatar

    When I was a teenager I was a whole lot thinner but I was consistently told I was fat so I believe it. Know I look back at those pictures and I wish I was that weight again! Know I am trying to get back to that weight because I felt a whole better than and my health was better too! Thanks for the inspiration because I need it!


    1. The Wardrobe Stylist Avatar

      Glad I could help you and motivate you. I know it’s not easy.


  12. Chanda Avatar

    Thank you so much for this post! I only have 2 kiddos but I can certainly attest to how it’s really easy to point out all of the flaws after having children! I also wanted to Thank you for stopping by and linking up with me last week! Hope to see you again this week!

    xx, Chanda | | IT Cosmetics GIVEAWAY + Link Up


    1. The Wardrobe Stylist Avatar

      It is my pleasure and I am glad I could help. Weight loss may be easy for some but not most. The key is consistency but also trial and error.


  13. Nicole Mölders (@HighLatitudeSty) Avatar

    Thanks for linking up to Top of the World Style


    1. The Wardrobe Stylist Avatar

      Thank you for hosting 🙂


  14. Springmum Avatar

    Great post. I’m post baby 2 and just trying to be careful with what I eat and making trades (sweet potato instead of white potato etc). Also taken up running as it’s something I enjoy and free!! Next step toning! Thanks for sharing your journey! Xx #justanotherlinky


    1. The Wardrobe Stylist Avatar

      Glad to hear that. Be sure though that you do not eliminate some things that are still good for you and do contain nutrients you need.While sweet potatoes are great, white potatoes or white rice aren’t as bad as people make them seem. Having them in the right portions (about 1/2 a cup) gives you the complex carbs you need to fuel you during the day. They are better digested by your body than fruits as they last you longer.


  15. Something Crunchy Mummy Avatar

    This is fantastic and will really help others. I found ‘losing’ my baby weight so hard and needed lots of determination! Thanks for linking up to #justanotherlinky xx


    1. The Wardrobe Stylist Avatar

      I know, trust! Although I never struggled with motivation, there were moments where I felt I was doing everything I could and nothing worked. It felt like banging your head against the wall and giving up. But I stuck through it until results started coming.


  16. Shelbee on the Edge Avatar

    I just wanted to let you know that I featured this post on my recent Little Bits of Inspiration post where I highlight inspiring things I read on the internet. So, thank you for inspiring me! Please stop by and see who else has me inspired!



    1. The Wardrobe Stylist Avatar

      Thank you so much Shelbee! You have made my day! It’s so nice to hear that I have been able to help a fellow blogger and be featured in a post, it means so much 🙂 xox


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